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But if you’re not having any kidney complications, and/or prefer the 2-1-1 dosing strategy, then you may want to wait until there are medical guidelines established that will help you make the healthiest and safest decision possible. Truvada Versus Descovy: Comparison Chart. When providers make pre-emptive decisions that affect people’s sense of control, without discussing all relevant data pertaining to potential side effects or dangers of switching, it leads to deepening suspicion and speculation about their true motives.So, dear reader, that was a very long way of telling you that it is your choice what you do with your body. The newer tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) component in Descovy makes it more effective at entering cells, so a much smaller dose is needed than with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF, sold as Viread), which is used in Truvada. If you have had kidney problems on Truvada, or have any medical condition that could impact your renal functioning, then Descovy might be a better choice. At best, these providers are naively believing that there are no possible downsides or dangers of switching to TAF from TDF. I hope I can help you understand the complications here.First off is dismantling the notion that a provider has the right to tell you what you “should” do with your body. And in theory, a lower dose lessens the chance of toxicities.But is Descovy/TAF actually better, and should clinicians be shifting their patients off Truvada en masse? However, it was found that Descovy had an advantage for bone density health. Descovy was approved for PrEP in 2019; it also contains emtricitabine, but instead of TDF, it contains a newer version of tenofovir called tenofovir alafenamide (TAF).The U.S. FDA approved daily use of Descovy as a drug that is “non-inferior” to Truvada for PrEP, meaning they both work equally well to prevent HIV in cisgender men and transgender women. Over the course of the whole trial, Truvada users had a decrease in bone density and most Descovy users had an increase. In order to make this choice, it’s important to be clear on what we know—and do not know—about these two drugs.About one in 200 people may have decreased kidney function because of taking Truvada for PrEP. Here are detailed Descovy vs. Truvada drug comparisons that will help you discover the right drug based on tolerability and other factors. When a care provider uses “should,” it communicates, “I am the one with the authority and power, and you are not.” It fails to consider your own sense of independence, autonomy, and ambivalence about switching PrEP regimens. Descovy was only FDA approved on Oct. 3, 2019. Yet less than three months later, my Facebook group Why are these providers in such a rush? However, if they refuse to give you options and information, you may want to find a different provider in the Damon L. Jacobs, L.M.F.T., is a New York-based licensed marriage and family therapist and HIV prevention specialist. All of these side effects were more pronounced in cisgender women. "Fifteen percent of the subjects in the DISCOVER trial were black, but 46% of new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. are black," Krellenstein says. Those who do are more likely to be older, have diabetes, and/or have chronic high blood pressure. Curious what you think? The AMDAC reviewed Descovy data from the DISCOVER global Phase 3 clinical study, which evaluated the efficacy and safety of Descovy compared with Truvada. "It's possible that Gilead is underestimating the possible weight gain and cardiovascular problems among subjects [on Descovy] because they didn't include enough black people. These two meds are used in combating HIV as a prevention and treatment. PrEP is an opportunity to change the narrative on historical mistrust of medical professionals and to build a lifelong rapport founded in choice, collaboration, respect, and consent. And as for vaginal sex, 2-1-1 wasn't tested either.But for PrEP, if both drugs work equally well and cost the same -- though Gilead has tipped the scales to Descovy by giving favorable rebates for medical centers participating in the 340B drug discount program -- what's wrong with a clinic or a doctor shifting all patients to Descovy? We do know that When reviewing the safety data for Truvada for PrEP in 2012, both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed concern about the impact of TDF on the kidneys. The DISCOVER trial proved TAF is non-inferior to Truvada/TDF, meaning, legally, the company could not claim Descovy/TAF is better for use as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Eighty-four percent of the participants were white. The decision to switch from Truvada (emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) to Descovy (emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide) is one that holds medical and ethical relevance. Just like Truvada, Descovy does have an established history of side effects for people living with HIV. And that's something that needs further study, according to James Krellenstein, co-founder of the PrEP4All Collaboration. "HIV and PrEP advocates are calling foul, saying the improvements in renal and bone safety are not significant -- not for PrEP, anyway -- and that the company is misrepresenting studies in order to switch over patients to Descovy/TAF before a generic version of Truvada/TDF is available sometime next year. While the trial showed minor improvements in bone density and renal health indicators in Descovy/TAF compared to Truvada/TDF, TAF showed a higher indication of obesity and cardiovascular issues than TDF, especially for communities of color and women, populations that were underrepresented in studies.

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