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    It was a lot of fun competing against you guys this weekend in the Predictions Challenge. And week on week we are slowly growing in numbers. I once again urge you all to share with your friends and get everyone involved. I like it because you challenge yourself and others. Whilst football is an unpredictable beast, the more educated you are on the game and the more you follow the better you “should” be. Not sure its worked for me so far.

    So last week honors went to Mark Tierney and George Caruana who predicted 7/10 correct games for the Premier League Prediction Challenge. On the other side a very handsome, talented and mammothly hung David Ozi Borg took the plaudits for his impressive 8/10 correct score for the Italian Serie A. Let us see how everyone did this week.

    Premier League:

    Look to see your results below…

    Grant Booth is this weeks champ with a very decent 7/10. Mark Tierney, Emmanuel Lewis and Claude Grech also get a mention for doing a pretty solid job. Newcomer, and “North American” Jason Zammit made a stellar effort with 5/10. Whilst those who got 4/10 (cough, cough) really need to pick up their game. Well done to all and looking forward to the next round after the STOOPID international break.

    Serie A:

    Look to see your results below:

    In the Italian Serie A Prediction Challenge last week, yours truly, David Ozi Borg was pretty impressive if you ask me (its difficult talking about myself in the third person). Rocking a score of 8/10. This week however was a completely different story and again we must congratulate Grant Booth for taking the round with a score of 6/10. No other special mentions because the rest of us were decidedly average, but a not so special mention goes to Karl Grech. 3/10? Come on pal, must do better. I predict a much stronger round from Mr. Grech in our next challenge after the international break.

    So Mr. Grant Booth well done to you sir. You had what we refer to as a very skillful (f***king lucky) round, but we will all be gunning for you in the very near future. For now we shall just have to download and print a copy of your face for the dart board.

    Until next round football fans.

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    1. Claude

      6/10 not bad… Watford equalised last minute which screwed me

      1. davidoziborg

        Very good effort CG. I was bloody awful this week. But I will bounce back….

    2. Grant Booth

      I would exchange these results for the result we got against Newcastle I know that much! Whilst you all may have a cut out of my face on a dartboard I’ve just finished printing off Dejan Lovren’s to put on mine!

      1. davidoziborg


        Well done mate. Very solid effort mate. Regarding Lovren, you could throw up a couple other printouts and rotate, like the weary traveller Wijnaldum who was horrid Sunday….

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